
The Better Part: Stages of Contemplative Living is unavailable, but you can change that!

The talks on which this book was based were given at the John Main Seminar in 1998, the annual international event of the World Community for Christian Meditation. Previous presenters have included the Dalai Lama, Jean Vanier, Bede Griffiths, and William Johnston. Father Keating’s enlightening commentary on the contemplative meaning of the gospel, particularly the story of the siblings from...

but her activity is not contemplative service. She is working for herself. No doubt she thinks she is working solely for God, but in fact her motivation is mixed. The apostles Peter, James, and John were in the same boat. They were human beings like the rest of us with all kinds of problems. Afflictive emotions like grief, anger, jealousy, envy, vanity, discouragement, and pride are rooted in the fact that we don’t know what our real motivation is. The thrust of Jesus’ initial teaching in the Gospel
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